A Favorite Post

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Visual Definition: Catnap

I don't think I've ever created a blog post while lying supine in the couch-potato position but - there is a first time for everything. This demonstrates another good argument for always keeping one's camera handy. The weather really has not even turned cool yet but, the heat-seeker tendencies of Milo the Cat have already been activated.

A favorite nap-on-a-lap position.

Even better is direct skin contact - more heat transfer.

Here's the startled look after being rudely shaken awake by me, the owner of the lap and holder of the camera.

And here is the look that says "if you ever shake me awake like that again I'll claw you to ribbons, you inconsiderate human."


  1. Replies
    1. He's even more adorable in person. For some unknown reason, we've found orange cats are better sweeter pets.
