A Favorite Post

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Cars and Copters, Plymouth Airport, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

The first sight that greeted the thousands of mostly young men who came to see the Cars and Copters Show at Plymouth Airport were two beautiful young women collecting donations for the Jimmy Fund.  The Jimmy Fund, founded in 1948, supports the fight against cancer in children and adults at Boston's Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, helping to raise the chances of survival for cancer patients around the world. More than $750 million dollars have been raised over the years with 89 cents of each dollar going toward the fight.

Call me naive but, I've never given cash through a car window to a beautiful woman soliciting before. (I don't go to that part of some towns). Did I hand over some cash this time? - you bet I did!

Truthful to say, I  wouldn't have given over as much cash if the collector had been a sloppy, cigar chomping, grossly overweight, redneck man. Does that make me a dirty old man, a sexist, or a normal male? All of the above, some of the above, or none of the above?  But I digress .... on to the show......

It was another perfect late summer day in America's Hometown. An orange Lamborghini brightens the foreground in the photo above.

Rear view of a Maserati.

Cloud reflections in a 1959 Porsche.

Inside a Bentley convertible.

Hood ornament on the Bentley. If you have to ask, you can't afford it.

These automobiles ranged in value from a few thousands to many hundreds of thousands of dollars and were randomly parked on the grass in rows.  The visitors were free to wander close beside and among all the vehicles - none were roped off away from close inspection.  I think that's an interesting cultural observation - that many fine and expensive machines can be intermixed with the masses, many of whom can only ever dream about having such automobiles for their own. It's like being in an outdoor art museum but without stuffiness, guards, or velvet ropes - look but don't touch still applies.

Helicopters were on hand for up close viewing or rides. It was a beautiful summer day, well attended, and lots of smiles all around.  I hope the Jimmy Fund made tons of money.

Anyway, to put this tale behind me, I always support the Jimmy Fund - that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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