A Favorite Post

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Cape Cod Rail Trail, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA

This 22-mile paved bike trail stretches from Wellfleet to Dennis along a former railroad train right-of-way.  I haven't ridden the length of it - maybe someday........

.......if I could just find me one of those cool recumbent bicycles to rent......

The bold line shows the 22-mile trail route through the "inner elbow" area of Cape Cod from Wellfleet at the top down to Dennis.

1 comment:

  1. My cousin and I recently biked the entire trail. It was definitely a lot tougher than we thought it would be. He always came with us on family vacations to the Cape it it's something we always talked about doing. We finally decided to go for it last Fall. I think it would've been impossible during the summer when we have one of our Cape Cod rentals so we booked another weekend trip during the cooler weather. It was a great experience and something I'm pretty proud to say I've accomplished!
