A Favorite Post

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA

A roadside billboard welcoming visitors - the bottom section is a large-scale reproduction of a Massachusetts automobile license plate.

Now that the Labor Day holiday weekend has come and gone, most tourists are back home, the kids are back in school, a gentle chill is sometimes in the air, and a calmer pace of life prevails - it's a great time to visit.

Today was a perfect late summer day - cool, sunny, dry, breezy - a perfect day to get in the car, roll down the windows, crank up the tunes, and feel the wind  rushing by on a drive to the Cape. Today I wish I owned a convertible. Cape Cod is many things to many people but always it includes.......

...bay side beaches....

....bay side salt marshes.....

.......oak and pine forests.....

...redolent of youth and sticky pine sap....

...and ocean beaches. Cape Cod is truly a special place on the planet.  Expect a few more posts in the coming days as I visit more of  Cape Cod.

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