A Favorite Post

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Violence Averse

I, like most people I know, am violence averse - I neither seek out nor willingly engage in violence.  In fact, I take steps to avoid violence, violent areas, and violent people.What does that say about my character and humanity?  Does that make me smart or just a wimp? 

But I, like many others, thoroughly enjoy being entertained by the likes of Jason Bourne, James Bond, Harry Potter, the Lord of the Rings, the Matrix, or the Dark Knight, for example. Generally, people seem to like to watch violent, fast-paced, action dramas. If they didn't, the movie box office income wouldn't be so great - billions of dollars. Is it vicarious thrills that drives us or some primal yearning to kick ass? And speaking of violence and aggression, why does aggression so often manifest itself when people are driving automobiles? Is that true in other countries or is that an American phenomenon? I wonder. I think I'll go watch a movie - maybe just a light comedy?

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