A Favorite Post

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Town Hall, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I had to go to Town Hall today to handle some issues. This is the building that houses the Town Offices for Plymouth, Massachusetts. It is a remarkable institution that I often take for granted.  All over the modern world (and many not so modern locations), concentrations of people (towns, cities) find it in their mutual interest to agree to certain centralized services.  Water, sewer, waste disposal, roads, signs, fire, police, and rescue are a few that come to mind. And despite grumbling by the citizenry about the waiting lines or the cost, most of these public institutions function incredibly well.  They exist for the common good and as far as I can tell, they execute consistently well. I like that. Sometimes all we hear about is complaints - but mostly it works pretty well in my experience. Considering the alternative, I'll keep the system we have.

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