A Favorite Post

Monday, August 13, 2012

Progress in Manomet, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

The Simes House was built in about 1863 and stands today in need of tender loving care and repair and restoration. The Simes House Foundation was created to restore and maintain the Simes House and Manomet Commons as self-sustaining historical landmarks in the Village of Manomet. For the public benefit, the Foundation will enhance cultural focus and identity, provide education and encourage community service.

Manomet is one of the villages of Plymouth, Massachusetts. It is a seaside village south of downtown Plymouth and adjacent to White Horse Beach and Priscilla Beach. Plymouth itself is the largest municipality by area in the state and boasts at least 365 lakes and ponds within its borders - one for every day of the year. 

A project to improve the intersection of Manomet Point Road and State Road, a long time in the making, has been underway for many weeks.  This area is the main commercial center of the village with shops, restaurants, services, groceries, post office, and banks.

I never thought much about the difficulty in building this road/curb/signal/sidewalk/infrastructure project until watching it unfold week after week.  The roads had to remain passable or with reasonable detours, two or three policemen were on duty each and every day directing traffic and supporting the needs of drivers and workers. Surveying, grading, digging, removing, replacing, wires, poles, concrete, asphalt, granite curbs..... the list goes on. We sure have a complicated world compared to the horse and buggy days of yesteryear. When completed, this project will provide the only traffic light in the main commercial area of the village of Manomet and only the second one in the village.  The first traffic signal in Manomet is a few miles north at the intersection of White Horse Beach and State Roads also known informally as Gellar's corner.

Soon this will be a new sidewalk.

The library even gets new granite curbstones and asphalt driveway entrances.

Curved granite - chiseled/shaped to last - granite curbstones are very common in New England.

The former Roger's Market and current Luke's Liquors gets a facelift at the same time the road project is ongoing.

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