A Favorite Post

Friday, July 27, 2012

Perfect Walk, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I think that the perfect beach walk has these features: low tide with hard packed level sand,  a light breeze perpendicular to the waterline, the right shoes and other clothing appropriate for the temperature, a hat, sunblock, a recyclable lightweight water bottle, a pocket camera, and a small lightweight music player device with at least 100 of my favorite songs (I like the iPod Shuffle or Nano).  Being out in the primal elements of sea, sky, and earth is invigorating and enriching - and it's good for my mental and physical health.  Having most of these features works just as well for walks on side streets, walking trails, the neighborhood, or, anywhere else.

Of critical importance is learning to NOT sing along to the music when walking in public. Since I am the only one hearing the music through my earphones, other beachgoers are not entertained to hear an old man randomly singing solo and off-key as he walks. I have learned to just move my lips - that way it looks like I am just muttering to myself - perfectly normal and acceptable behavior for an old man wearing shoes at the beach (but NEVER with black knee socks - I'm not that old yet).

While singing out loud is not okay, I think it is okay to occasionally direct the band with one or both arms or, mimic a cymbal crash or drum beat when the music calls for it. That only looks slightly embarrassing.

Sometimes, unusual things happen at the beach.  On this day, the town vehicle that empties the trash barrels broke down. Thus, we beachgoers were treated to the ever famous "plumber's smile" by the man who drove the tow truck.

On second thought, disregard all that stuff in the first caption above, almost any beach walk could be called perfect.

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