A Favorite Post

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Milo the Cat

Ever have one of those days when you just don't feel like getting out of bed? .....so does Milo. But he's not always a lazy slug........

Sometimes he's a circus performer. Okay, so it's not really much of a high wire act but, I wouldn't walk along this rail any more than I would a real high wire at this point in my life. Must be the caution that comes with aging. I would have a fear of losing my balance and falling off (maybe a ten foot drop).  It is interesting that cats don't seem to have that fear, nor do squirrels as they jump from tree to tree and cavort from branch to branch chasing each other at great speed. Confidence, or lack thereof, doesn't seem to be part of their mental processing. Maybe it's their ability to live in the present and not worry about future consequences. Fascinating critters these four-legged non-humans.

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