A Favorite Post

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Bartlett Pond, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Although I normally associate this type of sky with America's desert southwest area, sometimes even the east coast gets dramatic towering cumulus and bright blue skies. This view is over Bartlett Pond.

As summer progresses, the country lanes around Bartlett Pond get narrower and narrower as the green growth continues to squeeze in on the roadway.

The bee bomb blooms - a favorite of the hummingbirds who magically appear when the blossoms do.

Not a very sharp image but you get the idea.

Another frequent summer sight on the pond.

A nice spot for a light summer vegan supper as the shadows lengthen in the late day's sun.

The days are getting shorter since the summer solstice has passed but there is still a bit of light after 9:00pm local time on Bartlett Pond.

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