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Sunday, July 8, 2012

3rd Anniversary Celebration of Plymouth Digital Photographers Club, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

The Plymouth Digital Photographers Club (PDP) celebrated their third anniversary with a gathering on Plymouth's Long Beach for an evening of fun, food, friendship, and fotography. (Of course, not all 868 members were able to attend). It was a perfect summer evening with light breezes, warm temperatures, outgoing tide, and happy, cooperative, photogenic grandkids - not to mention the rings of fire! For members, the PDP website link above will have the "real" photographer's results from this event. Membership is free to join.

This is what you get when you stuff a common metal kitchen whisk with steel wool, light it on fire, then whirl it around on a three foot metal chain. Disclaimer: this is potentially very dangerous, use extreme caution. Certified and licensed whisk whirler extraordinaire Kevin is skilled and experienced in this event.

This is one of those times when a point-and-shoot camera just doesn't do justice to the actual visual experience.

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