A Favorite Post

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

General Store, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I like living in a town that still has many unpaved lanes and also a General Store. Truth be told, I don't shop  there very often but I like the throw-back feel of life before malls, box stores, chain convenience stores, and online ordering took over our commerce system. I say that as a typical hypocrite in that I shop at box stores and order online, thus leading to the continuing demise of small mom-and-pop stores. But at the same time, I'm skeptical of a future when everything either comes from Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Apple, or the government. Uh oh, I'm sounding like a cranky old man railing against progress. But I sure do like it when the UPS or FEDEX truck stops at my house - presents!!


  1. I agree about the box stores and amazon. And I am a cranky old man!

  2. There is nothing like a real general store.

  3. Your photos are great - my family has a small summer home in Manomet and I've been going there since I was 2. You have some great views of life there! Keep it up.

  4. Thanks - glad you enjoy the blog. WHB/Manomet is a special place.

  5. Hi Joe,

    That store used to be called Emerson's, after the old couple that owned and ran it. They had to be in their eighties in the seventies. They had penny candy, comic books and 50 cent half gallons of milk. I used to live behind the bowling alley that existed behind what is now the parking lot for the post office that is the only remaining part of the alley. The bowling alley was never open in my experience, which started in the early sixties.


    1. Larry,

      That's a great piece of history. Thanks for sharing it.

  6. Hello - I'm curious about the general store. Wasn't there a penny candy store called Sadie's in the 70s? I remember walking from our beach house up to a store where we'd get penny candy and shoestring licorice. Can anyone shed some light (or share photos) of that store? Thanks!

    1. Sorry but, that is before my time so I don't have an answer for you.

    2. I believe Sadie's was down by the stream

    3. Yes, and Sadie's had a motel next to it that my family stayed at in the early 60's

    4. Thanks for writing. I am amazed you found that posting - it's from 2012!
