A Favorite Post

Monday, May 21, 2012

Heritage Museum and Gardens, Sandwich, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA

On a perfect spring day, visitors to Heritage Museum and Gardens  in Sandwich on Cape Cod were treated to a riot of  brilliant color as the annual display of blooming rhododendrons reached peak.

The gardens are spread over 100 acres of hills, paths, and trails, and also offer museums and artworks.

Almost every plant, shrub and tree is labeled discreetly with a name plaque - always a nice feature for the memory-challenged (me).

Not an advertised feature but nice nonetheless, I observed an occasional big golf cart traveling the paved sections of trail with white hairs on board. In retrospect, it seems that the cart was discreetly rescuing old folks who were not able to walk back to the starting point.

There is also an herb garden.

And as if the natural life spectacular wasn't enough, they also have whimsical creative gates on display through September. This gate was designed by artists Angela Rose and Lauren Miklavic.

Here's a detail of the eight metallic flowers.

The bright light on this sunny day was harsh and intense - I should have come on a cloudy day like the smart photographers. Oh well. That's one of the advantages of being a blogger - I don't have quite as high standards for photographs for a simple blog.

It is inspiring what a long world view some folks have. To dream, plan, and execute a garden of this scope - a garden that will only come into full fruition long after the life of the visionary. What a legacy!

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