A Favorite Post

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Great Food

People often ask me, "what does a vegan eat?" Simply put, anything that doesn't contain animals or animal products.  Some vegans might answer that question with, "anything that doesn't have eyes or a mother," but that sounds a little flippant and is not completely accurate either.

Here's a good example of a vegan meal: mix rice, cilantro, black beans, onions, green peppers, tomatoes, corn, avocados/guacamole, and lime juice together and you end up with one of the finest meals on the planet - and no animals were harmed to make this delight.

Although not normally a criterion in meals, I think all major colors of the visible spectrum are represented as well if one adds blue corn chips - this combo isn't just the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow - it is the rainbow.

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