A Favorite Post

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Beach Walk

I am obsessed with beach walks. Few activities suit me more than a long walk on a beach at low tide on the firm sand. Through the relative miracle of technology, I can insert the tiny earbuds of a music player and fill my head with great music by great musicians that I choose. I can also hear the crashing surf beside me as a counter-point to the music. The salt-scented breeze is almost always blowing. Can any worldly riches truly be any better than this? The mind is free to roam - memories are triggered, thoughts and ideas for new blogs come flooding in and, most importantly, it is healthful exercise for my aging body.

Many of us talk about exercising as a priority. Simply put though, if I don't exercise then it isn't really a priority. I am kidding myself.  In the immortal words of singer/songwriter James Taylor, "....a walking man walks, any other man stops and talks, but a walking man walks...."

I'm a walking man - I think I'll go for a walk.

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