A Favorite Post

Monday, April 23, 2012

Spring, Bartlett Pond, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

A panoramic view of part of the pond - the petals have almost all fallen from the magnolia tree, now the greening of everything else will increase as spring deepens.

The goldfinches have arrived back in New England after their migration and they quite fancy finding a full feeder flush with black oil sunflower seeds to rebuild their strength after the long flight north. (Sorry about the shameless alliteration - I just couldn't resist).

Reflections in a cottage window.

And Milo, oblivious to the seasons, continues to believe he is a human baby, entitled to over-the-shoulder-and-around-the-neck hugs. This website by Catster however, says Milo is 64 in human years (if an indoor cat) or 104 years (if an outdoor cat) - he's definitely not a baby but, he sure does love his human mama - his daddy, not quite so much.

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