A Favorite Post

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

11 Reasons to Blog

Some have asked me, "why do you blog?" - here are 11 reasons.

1. A blog gives me a place to capture and share some of the ongoing endless dialog that plays in my head - however silly, mundane, or thoughtful it might be.

2. A blog gives me the opportunity to organize, plan, sequence, and execute a positive experience - good for me and/or sharing with others.

3. A blog gives me a place to keep an accessible journal without worry of misplacing it, or, losing it in an attic or basement, or, in some other forgotten place, or, spilling my tea on it.

4. Blogging is a thoughtful and challenging activity - as compared to being a couch potato watching television.

Old Sandwich Road, Plymouth

5. Blogging encourages me to wander about my world and enjoy the pleasure and good fortune of being a free person in one of the most free countries in the world - able to wander about without fear of being accosted or otherwise harassed - consider that billions of people on this planet don't enjoy that luxury.

6. Blogging gives me a reason to travel down beautiful rural roads, rolling and winding through pine and oak forests, listening to music, and/or walking around for miles in exciting bustling cities - thinking thoughts and enjoying the sheer pleasure of being alive.

7.  Blogging gives me the opportunity to do and say exactly what I want without external filters, deadlines, or editors - of course, that might not always be such a good thing.

8.  Blogging gives me bragging rights to call myself a published writer and/or photographer - assuming that self-publishing on the internet counts.

Fresh Pond, Manomet

9.  Blogging gets me out of the house with a defined purpose since I am retired and/or aimless sometimes - either that or my spouse has had enough of me underfoot and wants me out of the house.

10.  Blogging focuses my mind on producing words and images to share with people around the world whom I don't know, will never meet, and are culturally different - for example, this blog has been viewed in all 50 states and more than 90 countries around the world so far.

11.  Blogging is a creative act not driven or mandated by others, it is completely mine - an example of the unprecedented power that technology has brought to anyone with access to a computer and internet connection - what an extraordinary time to live  in the history of humans.

Back Bay, Boston


  1. You forgot one...blogging gives you a chance to share yourself with your cousin and let her get to know just who you are on a daily basis.

  2. Good for you....treat for us too...

  3. This is really nice.
    And helpful for other bloggers, too. Blogging sometimes turns into a "have to" thing for me rather than a "want to." It IS a productive activity, and it has really helped me figure out a lot about what I want and who I am...
