A Favorite Post

Monday, March 12, 2012

White Horse Beach, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

This doesn't feel quite like the South Carolina beaches shown on my blog in recent months. It is still winter up here in Massachusetts. (I believe I have mentioned before that I am a wimp about cold weather).

Same coat, same sunglasses, same ocean - more hat, more layers, more cold.

At low tide, White Horse Beach is as beautiful as any.

In typical Cape Cod style, many houses in the area have gray, weathered shingles and white trim.

It will take quite a battering for the ocean to erode this bluff....

Low tide. The speck in the center is flag rock. The tiny smudge on the horizon left of center is Gurnet Point.  "The Gurnet" marks the northern entrance to the Plymouth Harbor where the Pilgrims arrived 400 years ago from England.

Same view in the summer, tide is a little higher but still not high tide. (Tidal variation in this area is almost 14 feet between low and high).

Summer is still a long way off but, at least signs of spring are already showing in these crocuses. It is good to be home.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you made it back safely and all is well.

    Anonymous in Sandwich
