A Favorite Post

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Random Observations, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Speed bumps (or "judder bars" if you are in New Zealand) are both a scourge and a blessing - annoying to the driver but - they force the cars to move slowly, they offer added protection to children playing nearby and, they change the local ambiance to a calmer pace.  We very rarely see speed bumps in New England - they are not compatible with snow plows!

I know that dogs are smart but, I think this is asking too much for a dog to see this sign, interpret it, and comply with it. It is ambiguous at best - "no curtsying?'" - I don't know of many dogs that curtsy. Further, a really smart dog might wonder if the prohibition applies to all breeds or just the silhouetted figure's breed. This sign maker should be more precise to achieve complete understanding. 


  1. In Mexico, speed bumps are "topes". A more colloquial name for them is "sleeping policemen."

  2. The dog etiquette sign board is funny.
    Perhaps, it is meant for the master to train the pet to abstain from public excretion.
