A Favorite Post

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Peeps Invade, Bartlett Pond, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

"The Peeps are coming,  the Peeps are coming, sound the alarm!"  I just encountered an aggressive contingent of them sneaking ashore right here in Manomet, marshmallowing their forces for the upcoming annual kid's spring sugar feast.  Be on the lookout wherever you are for these squishy little yellow creatures.

Meanwhile, Milo the cat is prancing lightly on the dock as the morning fog dissipates. Did he make the fog dissipate by prancing or, did the dissipating fog make him prance? Or, did he use his cat's sixth sense to know that the Peeps were nearby and soon planning an attack? Inquiring minds want to know........

No Peeps sighted here - yet. But the Spring days are getting longer and warmer and the crocuses keep blooming. I've heard that Peeps like to nibble on crocuses but have yet to catch them in the act.  Be ready, be wary, be focused - look out for the Peeps. They are probably already in your neighborhood, too.

1 comment:

  1. From the looks of Milo's fur he has just become aware that something is up!
