A Favorite Post

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Long Beach, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

A gray and cloudy day at Plymouth's Long Beach. At low tide, the bay side of Long Beach is a nice place for a long walk - even with cold, wind, clouds, and sprinkles.

One of the few houses on Plymouth's Long Beach, it sits on the narrow peninsula that juts approximately three miles into Plymouth Bay. Long Beach is a barrier beach protecting the Plymouth Harbor and serves as a significant habitat area for both migratory and nesting bird species.

I can't imagine having this many dogs - there were at least ten!

The harbor is located at extreme left, the bay is to the right.

This bivalve had been picked clean, perhaps by a gull.

I saw quite a few of these unusually colored stones on the beach.


  1. I found the opened clam very artistic
    The stone is unusual looking...

  2. Your photos are beautiful. I like the colourful stone you found, if there are more you should keep them they would make lovely decorations in the home.

  3. I find a lot of pottery and Pink colored stones at the beach, How do i get these stones to maintain their color?
