A Favorite Post

Sunday, March 4, 2012

High Dynamic Range (HDR) Painting, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA

This blog post is less about Williamsburg and more about me messing around with a newly discovered camera setting: it's called HDR Painting.  It is an in-camera setting. Very little post processing by me and that was mostly just cropping.  But first, a little local history..........

Williamsburg was originally Middle Plantation, a 1632 fortified settlement located on high ground on the peninsula between the James and York rivers. It was renamed Williamsburg after the capital of the Virginia Colony was moved there from Jamestown in 1698.

Today, Williamsburg, Virgina, is probably best known for "Colonial Williamsburg," an historic area restored to present the appearance of life in the18th century. Also very popular for tourism (and students) is the adjacent College of William & Mary. The college was chartered in 1693, and is the second-oldest university in the United States (behind Harvard which was chartered in 1650).

Bricks, bricks, and more bricks.............. bricks are popular in Williamsburg.

So are moss and lichens on the bricks.

And even curved bricks.

I'm not sure how the software works.  Sometimes it explodes the colors ..........

........and sometimes it captures just a hint of color.  Perhaps it's the angle of the light, or the falling rain, or just plain old magic?  I'll go with the magic.

Magnolia blooms.

A split rail fence.

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