A Favorite Post

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Gardens Gowns and Gates, Charleston, South Carolina, USA

Another classic example of Southern gentility. This is the genteel way to tell people to stay out of your garden.  In the Northeast, it would likely say "NO TRESPASSING" in six inch high letters and vicious barking dogs would patrol and snarl at passersby. Okay, maybe that's an exaggeration but you get the idea.

There is a lot of work for house painters in this town.

And probably lots of work for ornamental iron workers also.

A domestic cat patrols the interior perimeter of this garden, offering friendly "meows" at passersby.

 Lastly,  a dog in a bridal shop hops up into the window display to look out at passersby on the sidewalk who are looking in at the gowns. It seemed more like some kind of high level avant garde performance art - but it was probably just a dog in a window.


  1. Truly enjoying "your retirement".

  2. Hi, I'm visiting Charleston with my mom in April and I am also a middle-aged vegan. Did you notice any particular vegan-friendly restaurants in your exploration of Mount Pleasant and Charleston? Also, I loved your photos and comments!

    Thanks....Nancy G.

    1. Hi Nancy, Generally speaking, we shopped and then ate at home (Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, Piggly Wiggly, etc.) But we did find some restaurants that were amenable to cobbling something together to suit us but no particular place comes to mind. Thai or Asian are usually good choices if they will prepare something without fish sauce. We did find a great pizza chain, Mello Mushroom, that had vegan pizza on the menu!! There was one downtown and another in Mt. Pleasant. Generally, the downtown area near the College of Charleston was sympathetic and didn't look at a vegan like we have three heads. Good luck, Joe

  3. Thanks Joe! I appreciate the feedback. That's pretty much what I figured it would be like as it's the same where I am in Westchester County, New York. I keep hoping the world will start evolving more towards a plant-based diet. Hopefully it will! Happy travels...
