A Favorite Post

Monday, February 20, 2012

Citadel, Charleston, South Carolina, USA

The Citadel is a public, coeducational college established as the Military College of South Carolina in 1842. Since its inception in 1842, The Citadel has sought to prepare its graduates intellectually, physically and morally to be principled leaders and productive citizens in all walks of life. It emphasises core values of Honor, Duty and Respect.

Almost every Friday afternoon when classes are in session, the cadets conduct a parade or award ceremony. The public is welcome to observe. It is quite a visual treat. It is great to see young people with an eye on a future of high standards and leadership - we need leaders to make positive things happen - and hopefully develop thoughtful alternatives to war.

One of the barracks across the street from the parade ground.

Visual definition: Stand up straight with your shoulders back.

The Citadel's own Regimental Band and Pipes leads the parade and provides accompaniment for the National Anthem and other marching tunes while the cadets march past the reviewing stands.

The Citadel Regimental Band and Pipes was the only U.S. band in Edinburgh, Scotland, for the 2010 Diamond Jubilee of the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo, a month-long nightly festival of music, pageantry and demonstrations by military organizations from around the world.

Eye on the drum major.

White spats and kilts on the pipers.

And what parade would be complete without multiple firing of the cannons. Maybe next time I can time my photo to catch the fire from the muzzle...........

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