A Favorite Post

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Boone Hall Plantation, Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina, USA

In 1743, the southern live oak trees at Boone Hall Plantation were planted, arranged in two evenly spaced rows on the approach to the house. The spectacular result is visible today and will stay in your memory for a long time to come. (Picture the scene from the movie "Forrest Gump" when Forrest is running down the long driveway being chased by his schoolmates and Jenny says, "run Forrest run." The movie wasn't filmed here but it's the same basic look.) It took more than two centuries for these massive, Spanish moss-draped branches to meet overhead, forming today's natural corridor. Boone Hall is also one of America's oldest working, living plantations. They have been continuously growing and producing crops for over 320 years.

The Avenue of Oaks

Outside the Avenue of Oaks.

Another live oak elsewhere on the property, adjacent to the marsh/river.

And in the gardens - poppies.....

.....and daffodils already blooming in mid-February.

One of the more aloof horses.

Two of the more friendly horses.

 Seated in front of a former slave cabin, a presentation about the Gullah people is conducted by Bob who is assisted by an audience member in demonstrating a typical rhythm to which the slaves would work at a consistent pace. Gullah is a language, a culture, and a people living in the lowcountry coastal region of South Carolina and Georgia. The Gullah trace their roots to the slave ships from western Africa in the 17-1800's. 


  1. hello! i am looking for a picture exactly like the one you have of the avenue of oaks above. I see that your blog is copyright- is there any way to get permission to use this picture to have a painting done?

  2. please feel free to use the picture for your personal use. you may not use it for commercial purposes.
