A Favorite Post

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

King Street for Pedestrians, Charleston, South Carolina, USA

On the second Sunday of each month, the portion of downtown King Street that passes though the Fashion District and the Antiques District is closed to all automobiles so that pedestrians have free reign of the street.  This January's Sunday was sunny and t-shirt warm and the adults, children, and dogs were all out enjoying the day.  Not an insignificant fact, some storekeepers report some of their best days of the year coincide with the Sunday pedestrian days.  Restaurants move tables into the street, musical buskers perform, and all manner of folks turn out to see and be seen.  Here's what I saw:

Mellow Mushroom al fresco dining in the street.

The best beard award goes to this Connecticut transplant to South Carolina.

A classical cellist in front of the Apple Store.

Old Town Grill customers stretched out along King Street.

This violinist was playing along to the radio from his earbuds.  The little girl was dancing to his rhythm.

This young man playing the squeezebox in bare feet and hat made it feel like France - although I must confess, I have never been to France - perhaps my made-up memory comes from some movie hiding deep in my addled brain.

Live art and lives blues - what could be better?

There's just something about a red dress .......

Like many cities, a person (or dog?) can donate cash for a dedicated brick that is used for the roadway on portions of King Street. 

I guess it was too warm for this fellow who just had to lay down for a rest. And no - that is not Fang.

Musicians having fun together and making fun music for passersby.

And lastly, I think this man gets the prize for the most eclectic look - Hawaiian shirt adorned with African rhinoceri*, Italian hat, and a bichon frise pooch.  By the way, bichon frise apparently means "curly white lap dog" in French.   I hope as I get older I have the nerve to go out in public dressed like that sometime - on second thought, maybe I already do and don't realize it.........

*plural of rhinoceros purposefully misused.

1 comment:

  1. The street pictures are amazing. Enjoyed going through the humorous briefings as well.
