A Favorite Post

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Isle of Palms, South Carolina, USA

Isle of Palms is a barrier island approximately six square miles with a population of approximately 4,000. The population swells during the popular beach seasons.  Many of the properties, both houses and condos, are available for vacation rentals.  We are staying in such a condo during these two winter months at a considerably reduced rate compared to the summer rate.

This pier is privately owned but, it still can be used to frame the sunrises very nicely.

This is the beach at the southern end of the island as low tide approaches.  The beach is almost deserted during this mid-30's Fahrenheit day with a 30-knot gusty wind.  Only one hearty soul from New England (that would be me) and resident dog-walkers braved the elements today.

I was always told, "don't point your camera into the sun," but contrarian that I am, I often point my camera into the sun just to see what happens. Usually the results are just junk but sometimes, I'm lucky and get an interesting photo like this one. This also illustrates one of the advantages of digital over film - you can "waste" as many shots as you want at essentially no cost.

A view of the beach midway between high and low tides.  I take a three mile sunrise walk most mornings on the beach, the first mile-and-a-half into the wind, then the return with a tail wind. There is always some good, hard, flat, walking sand except at the peak of high tides.  I like this place - A LOT.

The pier also frames sunsets......

Yep - I like this place a WHOLE LOT.

1 comment:

  1. Joe, you got a couple of great shots into the sun today.
