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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Final Sights, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA

Here are a few final photos on or near the island.  We had a great two weeks - the family together, healthy  food and comfy beds, sunny all day almost every day, temps near or over 60 Fahrenheit by midday - Hilton Head Island is a beautiful spot on the planet. Next stop is Isle of Palms near Charleston, South Carolina, about a hundred miles north of here.

Another glorious sunrise.

A sand dollar (also know as a "snapper biscuit" in New Zealand - ya gotta love those Kiwis) burrowing into the sand at sunrise.

Low flying gull skimming the surf in the early morning light.

A group of white ibis feeding in the marsh at Savannah National Wildlife Refuge.

Spanish moss adorns the trees on the road through the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge.

An expensive cat-perch.

A common sight in the public beach parking lots.

A public access path to the beach.

"I know it's getting dark but I don't want to stop playing and come inside yet......."

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