A Favorite Post

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Citadel, Charleston, South Carolina, USA

The Citadel is the Military College of South Carolina.  John Milton, the English author in the 1600's, in his Tractate on Education, described a complete education as one that prepares the individual to perform justly, skillfully, and magnanimously, all offices both public and private, of peace and war. This is the essence of a Citadel education. Since its inception in 1842, The Citadel has sought to prepare its graduates intellectually, physically and morally to be principled leaders and productive citizens in all walks of life.  It emphasises core values of Honor, Duty and Respect.

Almost every Friday afternoon when classes are in session, the cadets conduct a Parade.  The public is welcome to observe.

This young cadet was the event announcer.  His mellifluous voice guarantees a future in broadcasting if he ever chooses to do so.  He had that "perfect announcer voice" - you know what it sounds like - rich, warm baritone that can magically charm and instill confidence in the listener.

The drum and bagpipe musicians led the parade, with the regular band close behind.  I'm not sure why two of the cadets were wearing a leopard skin apron.

The individual battalions followed the band.

This man in the audience stood and saluted this particular battalion of cadets - perhaps he is an alumnus of that group?

The maroon sashes apparently indicate juniors and seniors. 

And away they go until next Friday.........

1 comment:

  1. http://www3.citadel.edu/citmagazine2007/index_30.pdf

    This little article will explain the leopard skins

    Anonymous in Sandwich
