A Favorite Post

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Random Sights, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA

A view through a catamaran resting on its side.

Normally, I think of kite flying as a restful activity but........

.....flying this paraglider-styled kite in a 20-30 knot wind gave this vacationer from Belgium a full-body workout.

A beach access walkway.

Evidence of the rare "waffle-backed sand dollar" burrowing in the sand. (Or something else entirely). 

Even in winter there is always some bright green growth to be found.

I thought people knew this at a gut level - I guess not.

Pelicans at sunrise.

A sea-themed Christmas tree along the beach.

I'd love to know the back story behind this street name.

A beach walker at low tide at sunset.

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