A Favorite Post

Monday, December 19, 2011

Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA

Hilton Head Island is, by some folk's reckoning, the largest barrier island on the East Coast of the United States (some say that Long Island in New York is first).  Although populated by native societies throughout history, it's current life as a resort destination began in the 1950's with the Sea Pines development.  Hilton Head has since served as an example of compatible development due to strict environmental goals, rules, and oversight. (By the way, the island is named for English sea captain William Hilton who identified the headland in 1663 - not for hotel magnate Conrad Hilton).

Arrival late in the day made for long shadows at the beach.

I think gulls know what a loaf of bread looks like - they swarmed this couple in seconds in anticipation.......

A beautiful beach in the fading light.  

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