A Favorite Post

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Dennis the Kiteboarder, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA

Today was one of those days when life brings an unexpected surprise. Walking the beach I met a friendly young man, Dennis, who was setting up and preparing his kiteboard for flying.  Having an affinity for anything that has flying involved I stopped to talk with him.  He was very wiling to share info about what he was doing and how he was doing it.  As a former hang glider pilot in my youth, I know what a pain tourists can be asking the same questions for the thousandth time - I appreciated his candor and willingness to talk about his sport.  Looks like quite a kick! There is a video link at the end of this post about the sport.

Dennis the kiteboarder.



Readying to launch.


And away he goes...............

Click the link for a way-cool  video of other folks kiteboarding elsewhere. 

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