A Favorite Post

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Lobster Traps, Westport Point, Westport, Massachusetts, USA

They come in many size, shapes, and styles. They are constructed of wood, metal, nylon, or plastic parts.  Areas within the trap have fancy names like the "kitchen" and "parlour."  But still, it is just another trap to capture an animal.  That being said, it is still a clever and sometimes effective device if you are inclined to capture this particular critter.

These multi-color traps are about 3-4 feet long, 2 feet wide, and 1 foot high.

Here is the entrance to the "kitchen" where the lobster swims in to get the bait.

The lobster then attempts to escape but ends up in the "parlour" where hopefully, the lobster remains trapped until retrieval by the lobster fisher.
Some say that lobsters are not sentient creatures, they lack the ability to experience sensations or suffer.  I recall the last time many years ago I put a lobster in a stove top pot of boiling water.  That desperate scratching, scritching sound of claw on metal still rings in my head.  Food for thought for you animal lovers.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I didn't read what your blog was about before asking you a fishing question. Feel free to ignore it. :) Some really great shots you took. The red bikes shot should be on a wall.
