A Favorite Post

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Signs of Fall, Massachusetts, USA

Whether street-side mums......

or lakeside leaves........

the beauty of Fall in New England is revealed every year.  But soon................

Winter will arrive and this is what we'll get.......

........and this......

......and this.......

 ....and this.  Winter can be as beautiful as Fall - just a whole lot colder! Annually, among big cities, Boston averages about  42 inches of snowfall, similar to Detroit and Pittsburgh.    Salt Lake, Denver, and Minneapolis average about 60 inches.  Rochester and Buffalo average about 100 inches of snow. (I have not included the less populated high mountain locations that receive 20, 30, or even 40 feet each year, e.g. Donner Pass in the the Sierra Mountains).  Me - I'd rather be where it's warm, dry, and sunny.  I think I'll work on that.......

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