A Favorite Post

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Banjos and Fiddles, Lowell, Massachusetts, USA

Yes, that is correct, fiddles and banjos.  This free event is now in its 32nd year and held annually in Boardinghouse Park in Lowell, Massachusetts.  Today's audience had hundreds of folks sitting pleasantly outdoors in the waning days of summer, listening, chatting, cheering, knitting, eating, whatever - just hanging out.  It was not too hot, not too cold, not  too humid, not too dry - it was just picture perfect weather for outside entertainment.

Note the see-through stage at left - and no backdrop. More on that later.....

There were about 80 contestants for this year's event.

The view from the audience's perspective.

The view from a performer's perspective.

A full stage view from a performer's perspective. 

What connection does a trolley have to fiddles and banjos?  Well, the tracks run closely behind the stage.  The back of the stage is behind the ivy shown above at left.  Must be a little disconcerting to the musicians to have a trolley go clanging by behind them .....

...like this!

Meanwhile back in the audience, this child, rendered incognito by my edit, was not able to open this cooler. He immediately whined to his grandpa for help.  It didn't take rocket science to open the cooler.  What happened to that inquisitive, perserverant, challenge-seeking, problem-solving mind he was born with?  Why didn't he sit and puzzle with it a while before asking an adult, and why did the adult do it for him when asked?  I'll hold my tongue instead of  making some snarky gene pool comment.....

All was not lost however, another child was enthralled listening to the live music from the best seat in the house - on top of his daddy's shoulders.

And below are two small samples of what made him smile........


  1. hey, did you know that our Grandfather played the violin...Granny, in her usual fashion, threw it on the trash when I was a kid and Daddy rescued it. I have it now...it apperently was a really nice instrument made in Germany.

    1. I did not know that. You can play it on your boat for entertainment.
