A Favorite Post

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

The Charles River, the city of Boston in the far distance, and one of Harvard University's boathouses on the left.  And speaking of Harvard....... 

The answer to the question, "Can you paark the caar in Haarvard Yaard?" is quite simply, "NO."  It's grass, sidewalks, and buildings - no cars allowed.

Around campus.

More campus.

Harvard's motto, "Veritas." (means truth in Latin)

So, are the bars on this library to keep the smart Harvard students in or, to keep the other folks out?

Exiting through this arch takes you to Harvard Square where some of those more colorful "other people" can be found hanging out.

I'm not sure if they are homeless but, they hang out near the Harvard Cooperative Society, the "Coop," (rhymes with "loop"-  go figure) and panhandle for spare change.  The woman on the right has her pet rat in the pink cage.

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