A Favorite Post

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA

Think what you will about the often maligned gull but, it is still a majestic and beautiful flier.

Strong winds were common this week and helped in photographing the gulls.

In fact, it got so windy here that this building was turned upside down!  You can see the workers on cranes trying to figure out how to turn it back right-side-up.

But otherwise, life continues on normally - the sun shines, shadows exist.  But danger lurks everywhere.......

All appears calm and normal - until a meteorite splashes in the ocean near here.  When such an event occurs, the resulting tsunami should be more than sufficient to knock down the "tsunami zone" signs the city erected on the beach.  (See this blog on 3/1/11). Perhaps the city should replace the "tsunami zone" signs with "meteorite zone" signs? Hmmmmm? 

1 comment:

  1. is that the Marriott pool? yeah, Tsumani? not likely. Is that a Ripley's Museum that's upside down? I can't figure it out.
