A Favorite Post

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Medford, Massachusetts, USA

The Mystic River winds its last few miles through Medford, Massachusetts before emptying into Boston Harbor.  Today's blog is from Macdonald Park, part of the Mystic River Reservation and located only 4 miles from downtown Boston.  It affords visitors a nice change of scene amidst the metropolitan urban setting. On this late winter day, the last day before daylight savings time starts, the first hints of Spring are seen - long shadows later in the day, damp and soft hillsides from the recent snow melt, gloveless hands and hatless heads.........

.........dogs taking their humans for a walk.

The park has a sturdy observation platform.

And this is the view from the platform - Boston's Back Bay skyline is on the horizon - the Hancock building (on the left) and the Prudential building (on the right) are Boston's tallest structures at 790 and 740 feet respectively.

Hope springs eternal - its not too early to set up the volleyball net even though the area might still get more snow before this year's season ends - these two optimists hope otherwise.

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