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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Otavalo, Ecuador

A new day dawns over the impossibly beautiful area of Otavalo.  The town is at 8300 feet MSL and the mountain in the distance, Volcan Imbabura, is 15,100 feet MSL.  Imbabura is one of three volcanoes that encircle this valley.  Otavalo's altitude and location on the equator create perpetual spring conditions - 75 degrees or so during the day and 50 or so at night all year. Otavalo has been a market town since before the Inca civilization lived in the Andes.  The markets in food, household goods, animals, and tourism trinkets see the biggest display at the Plaza de Ponchos in the center of town.

A main street early in the morning.

The same street as the town starts waking up.

This church and also the town hall frame two sides of the Plaza Bolivar.

Above is one of the dozens of produce vendor stalls that line the streets adjacent to the Plaza de Ponchos.

Pink potatoes? Yes - there are also dozens of potato vendors here too.