A Favorite Post

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Quito, Ecuador

Christmas Day sunrise at Boston Logan Airport marked the beginning of our family trip to Ecuador.  We left on time on a clear, bright, and cold day, only two days before a winter blizzard slammed the northeast United States with the season's first major storm.

Not much of a photo technically speaking but, it shows us departing south over Plymouth, MA in the foreground and White Horse Beach in the upper left.

Nestled in a high Andean valley along the "Avenue of the Volcanoes," Quito, Ecuador is the second highest capital city in the world at approximately 9,300 feet above sea level. It's much like any other large city in the world except the population sprawl climbs up the extinct volcano sides.

This downtown area pictured is Plaza Foch in the "new town." Lots of restaurants, hotels, hostals, clubs, and nightlife. The driving Latin music beat didn't stop throbbing the hotel walls until 4am.


  1. Hi Joe, nice reading your blog... I hope to do the same when I retire.

    Just one clarification regarding your coment on the Pichincha volcano where Quito is built... for your information the volcano is active and very active, as a matter of fact it erupted the last time in 1999... you can google Erupcion volcan Pichincha


    Andres Ruales
    Quito, Ecuador
