A Favorite Post

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Fall - A Country Lane, Chiltonville, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Every year I enjoy viewing this property at different seasons to capture the variety.

Looks like a very nice driveway to go home to.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Fall - Myles Standish State Forest, Carver, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It is a special place to stand in a mature pine forest with the only sound the breeze whistling through the needles high above my head.

This might be my last visit this year before fall says goodbye and winter says hello.

Walking these pine needle trails feels like I have sponges on the bottom of my feet.

The multi-color overhead canopy.

A leaf covered boardwalk winds through a swampy area.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Fall - Brookwood Farm, Blue Hills Reservation, Milton, Massachusetts, USA

Lucky timing - an overnight downpour left a well-positioned puddle on Maple Lane. This is one of my favorite fall images so far this year.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Fall - Myles Standish State Forest, Plymouth, Carver, Massachusetts, USA

12,000+ acres of blazing fall color make the Myles Standish State Forest a popular destination in southeastern Massachusetts.

Fall color along one of the smaller ponds.

The forest includes many acres of mature pine, I estimate 60-80 feet tall, the wind whistling through the boughs, and a soft carpet layer of pine needles underneath the canopy.

A future crop.

A late season lily in bloom on one of the many ponds.

This is one of the 170+ cabins/cottages that line the many lakes and ponds in the forest. They are private but located on state land in a controversial arrangement. Apparently, the plan over time is to have them all revert to state ownership and control as the owners pass away.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Fall - Boston Common, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Much of the Boston Common was still green on this recent visit but, there was one small pocket of oranges and reds......

....that proved popular for.......

.....many folks to stop to make portraits on their phones.

Others, just to enjoy wandering along with a cup'o coffee in hand.

It was a lovely fall day in the world-class city of Boston.

I have been surprised with the willingness of our citizenry to wear masks when outdoors in public spaces.

The Boston Common - the oldest city park in the United States - 50 acres in size - since 1634.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Blue Hills Reservation, Milton, Massachusetts, USA

An expansive view awaits those who climb to the top of Eliot Tower on Great Blue Hill in the Blue Hills Reservation. Ten miles or so in the distance to the north downtown Boston is visible.

This view is eastward towards the coast.

There are more than 125 miles of woodland trails but, this paved service road is also a popular way to the top. It is more ankle-stable for those of us in the older set who don't want to risk the rocky trails.

My guess is that these trees stand 60-80 feet tall.

I wanted a harsh black and white image - hints of days to come in the winter weather - a time when we will likely still be coronavirus captives.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

A peaceful fall weekday at the beach. Not many visitors. This area of dunes that frames the beach is fenced off from the public to protect the fragile ecosystem. I am standing on a boardwalk that crosses the delicate terrain.

At low tide, there is still plenty of beach available - but not so many people since it is cooler outside. In any case, it is stunningly beautiful.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Quincy Quarries, Quincy Quarries Reservation, Quincy, Massachusetts, USA


The Quincy Quarries, 10 miles south of downtown Boston, produced granite for over a century. Now, the 22-acre section of the former quarry is owned and operated as a public recreation area. Much of the dirt that fills in where the water was came from the Big Dig, the tunneling project under downtown Boston.

In its life now as a park, it is a popular living canvas for graffiti sprayers, rock climbing classes, and just a nice outdoor space to enjoy the outdoors on a fine day.

There are young folk scrambling around at the lower section and ....

....more advanced technical rock climbing anchored from the top.

There seemed to be plenty of both instructors and students.

What a beautiful spot on a nice fall New England day.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Fall - Brookwood Farm, Blue Hills Reservation, Milton, Massachusetts, USA

The Blue Hills Reservation, a 6000-acre park about 10 miles south of Boston is an especially popular spot when the fall colors come out.

This area is Maple Lane.

Maple Lane, from the opposite end. I think I was a week or two early this year.  Still too much green.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Weekday, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I have been trying to visit the beach everyday now that the summer crowds are gone, parking is available, and the temps are down. It's calm and peaceful. That's Manomet Point in the distance.

Dog walkers have a built-in motivation to get out and walk. 

I've been visiting this beach for 20 years - hopefully, another 20 in the future? I am not an ocean swimmer so I have never cared that the water is often chilly - about 60 degrees F right now.  I just like the beach............