A Favorite Post

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Out and About, Downtown, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

It seemed like a typical Saturday morning in Boston's Chinatown neighborhood - except for people carrying political signs supporting candidate Joseph Kennedy III.

Then lo and behold, a few minutes later the candidate himself arrived to do some campaigning. (He's the red-haired man in the center above).

I didn't plan to cover so much territory today but, I just kept walking and when I stopped I had wandered from Post Office Square to Chinatown, the Theatre District, the Common, the outdoor Haymarket, the Quincy Market, the Waterfront, and the North End before returning to the starting point about 15,000 steps later. 

I don't know what it says but, I think it is a menu.

I have always liked this view - the foreground is the Old State House, built in 1713, to the left is the Custom House, built in 1837, it's tower built in 1913, and at center, the gleaming high rise Exchange Place, built in 1984. A nice range of Boston historical architecture in one viewscape.

Al fresco dining along The Freedom Trail near Haymarket.

The throng of weekend shoppers finds great bargains in the Haymarket, one of the nation's oldest outdoor markets - been in business for more than 300 years.

A thunderstorm passes in the distance of these waterfront 1-2 BR condos, real estate website Zillow values these units between 1-2 million USD. It is expensive to live along Boston's downtown waterfront.

Masked wedding photos in the time of the pandemic.

Unmasked wedding photos in the North End.

More al fresco dining in the North End along Hanover Street.

Kids, dogs, and dads frolic in the fountain.  This park area was formerly the location of the busy and noisy upper and lower decks of Interstate 93 as it roared through downtown Boston.  No more.  That right-of-way is now the Rose Kennedy Greenway parkland and the highway is underground.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Bicycling Along the Cape Cod Canal, Sagamore, Massachusetts, USA

A view from the east side of the Cape Cod Canal and it associated bicycle, walking, and vehicle maintenance trail. It is a popular spot year-around.

The 1933 Sagamore Bridge from the west side.

A family group cycles along the trail.

A serious fisherman uses his bicycle to pull a trailer full of gear.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

A Day at the Beach, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

A perfect summer weekday at the beach. We have had many this year.

The view northward is White Horse Beach in the foreground and Priscilla Beach distant.

To the south is Manomet Point.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Myles Standish State Forest, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

This 12,000+ acre state forest area also includes 16 lakes and ponds, campgrounds, foot trails, horse trails, and in winter, snowmobile trails.

It is also a popular kayaking destination.

A stunningly beautiful place, Massachusetts, whether inland or on its shores or in its cities.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Sun and Sand at Long Beach, Plymouth Harbor, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

The tide is out on this final summer visit to Plymouth's Long Beach.

The flats on the outside of the peninsula are wide. (Bug light at center on the horizon).

The light is special on this untouched dune near the tip of the peninsula.

The patterns in the sand are fascinating.

As the saying goes, "take only memories, leave only footprints."

Another beautiful summer day nears the end as a jet ski zooms by at breakneck speed heading back to port for the evening.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

A Few Favorite Pictures from "Heathers," Priscilla Beach Theatre, Priscilla Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Since the performing arts seasons are all delayed this year due to the pandemic, I thought it would be fun to go through my thousands of images and pick just a few from each production and re-publish them. It was difficult to narrow down the choice to just a few - I picked ones that spoke to me personally - they may or may not be representative of the show or the lead roles - they are just images that warm my heart and bring back fond memories of the production - I am first and foremost, a fan of these performances, my role as a photographer is a distant second.

I hope you enjoy them, too.

As performed at Priscilla Beach Theatre in June 2019. Click on that date to see the original posts. Produced by Bob and Sandy Malone, Directed by Rachel Bertone, Production Manager Joshua Patino, Music Director Chris Ricci.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Eat or Be Eaten, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It is just barely morning light on the pond and this great blue heron has captured his frog breakfast. I am inside the house looking through a window.

The law of survival, eat or be eaten, is on clear display as the frog tries to escape the jaws of the heron.

The self-satisfied predator stands motionless after swallowing his prey whole.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Out and About, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I'm not sure why Plymouth needs horseback mounted police but, here are two of them walking the downtown waterfront area on a beautiful summer day. They are certainly more friendly than two officers in a squad car. People and especially the kids love the sight and often stop and engage with the friendly officers.

Plymouth harbor boats with "No Worries" in the foreground.

A couple walks toward the Plymouth Rock portico as summer storm clouds build in the distance. Yes, it is a very low tide at right. (And I have no idea why the couple is wearing long pants and long sleeves on a hot summer day).

Interesting living in a house not quite as wide as a VW bug is long.

New Englanders standing around in the water at White Horse Beach on a warm summer day. Water temp in the bay about 75 degrees F, air temp almost 90.

And later at low tide. Nice place this Plymouth area of Massachusetts.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Lillies, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

They're everywhere these days - in groups -

- or one by itself -

or maybe a pair.

But this lone stalk brilliantly highlighted against a dark background really caught my eye.  Stunning flowers. The beauty of the world is everywhere - some places easier to find than others.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Out and About, Downtown, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Another day trip to the big city of Boston.  This was a two-mile walk that began and ended by the Public Garden on Charles Street. I always enjoy wandering about this world-class city - even during the pandemic - although finding a restroom is a challenge.

A fancy Back Bay neighborhood street view of a private residence entrance.

Sailboats are idle along the Charles River at Community Boating.

This scene is in the Beacon Hill neighborhood - I am fascinated by the curved glass and copper clad window structure on this townhouse.

A popular street scene in the Beacon Hill neighborhood. Great cobblestones!

Same view as previous image but, with different post-processing treatment.

Each of the townhouses on the left are valued in the 2-4 million USD range according to Zillow.

Back in the Public Garden, someone has enhanced (or defiled?) the classic "Make Way for Ducklings" sculpture. It is a 1987 bronze artwork honoring the 1941 children's book of the same name.

A towel spread out on the grass is the perfect way to spend a lazy day - it includes built-in social distancing.

Although it was close to 90 degrees F today, the overcast made wandering about mostly pleasant.