A Favorite Post

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Welcome to a Winter Storm, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

If I look happy it's because I've just finished my snow removal chores after yesterday's storm.

I took a number of yardstick samples (do others around the world call it a "meterstick?") to see what the average depth was. 7 inches was the most consistent average depth (or 17.78 centimeters).

I thought I earned a nice rest on the bench after the work was done but first........

.....I wanted to confer with my Florida friend about conditions in his homeland. It's about 70 degrees F there today.  Meanwhile, it's 25 degrees F here - a good temperature for light, fluffy snow and for moving it out of the way.

By the way, if these poses look odd, it might be because I used the in-camera 10-second timer on a tripod to include myself in the image and it was tight scrambling into position before the shutter clicked. Perhaps a 15- or 20-second timer would be better for us old folks.  They could label it the "senior setting." You don't want to see the snow angels I made - it wasn't a good experience.

And yes, one might call these selfies but, I have always thought a selfie to require one to hold the device in hand while making the picture. Since I used a tripod some distance away, maybe this isn't a selfie. On the other hand, some of the major online dictionaries are not all clear on that point. Better file that in the "couldn't care less" category. 

What's important is that the snow is stunningly beautiful! Nature's reward for having to endure the cold of winter.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Sunny Day on the Harbor, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

The recent warm spell has melted all the harbor ice.

Light is bright and shadows long even in early afternoon.

Soon enough, winter will end and boating season will be bustling again.

And the gulls - they are always here, regardless the season, out and about, scavenging, surviving, looking ever majestic.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Light Snowfall on the Town Green, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Except for the presence of power poles, electric wires, and cars, these classic New England homes stand in a timeless pose around the Town Green. We haven't had much snow so far this year - that's good news and bad news.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Another Look, Sandwich, Massachusetts, USA

Another look at one of my favorite subjects in the Sandwich area.

There isn't much train traffic but, the building is still alarmingly close to the tracks. They did things differently back in the olden days.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Muffin Top Pond, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I thought it pretty cool how this combination of light and angle makes the ice surface of the pond look like a swollen muffin top, or a bubbling soufflé, or a frothy cup of hot chocolate.....hmm? must be time to eat.

Friday, January 26, 2018

End of an Era, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

The Stop and Shop market in "downtown" Manomet closed recently after serving the community for more than a quarter century.

They were quick to remove any and all markings and signs - except the faint stain on the brick façade. No public word yet on the building's next occupant.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

A Lone Trawler, Plymouth Harbor, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Plymouth Harbor ice has melted so this working boat is back out doing what working boats do. The aqua color of the hull caught my eye on this gray and cold day.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Just a Dusting of Snow, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

A dusting isn't quite as dramatic as a deep snowfall but, it is still a mighty beautiful topping on the entrance to this unpaved path/trail/road near Little Long Pond.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Out and About, Sandwich, Massachusetts, USA

A warmish, sunny, winter day in the town of Sandwich on Cape Cod. I have always liked the visual of this narrow gray building beside the tracks.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Just a Dusting of Snow, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

The squirrel at left is heading for a drink from the birdbath at right but......

...the red ranger will prevent his visit - that and the fact that the bath is frozen solid. It's a challenge being a squirrel in a New England winter.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

A Winter Walk, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

The rain has passed - the clouds are breaking-up - wind gusts still roil the ocean surface - and just a touch of blue sky peeks through.

A flooded street makes a great reflection.

Trees on the bluff.

A cottage in the woods. I'll forever think of this color as "Priscilla Beach Theatre Red."

An old family home - not mine but someone's.........

A stand of trees in the late afternoon light.

Manomet is a wealth of natural and human-made beauty!

Friday, January 19, 2018

Downtown Plymouth - Burial Hill, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It is stunningly beautiful out and about in the world today -  a good example of what makes winter such a special season - I whine about the winter cold sometimes but - the quality of afternoon light, the peace and quiet, the beauty of snowfall, it's mighty special around here in winter.

Burial Hill abuts the downtown area and was established in the 1620's as both the location of burials and a fort that overlooked the harbor.

Except for the icy steps, it's a great place for a walk.

The view east over the town looking out to sea.

America's Hometown is a wonder in any season.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Black and White, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I always enjoy making black and white images. And sometimes a scene in life just calls out to be rendered in black and white. In this case, it's the spooky, squiggly branches of this leafless tree beside a narrow country lane stretching off into the distance. The ocean is through the trees at left but only a local knows that.

Clearly, it's winter time during these images.

A sailboat wintering on jackstands.

A stormy sky and a beautiful view and location.

Snow in the yard.

Gray ice, gray pond, gray day. 

All elements of another beautiful New England winter.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Lobsters, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Downtown Plymouth has an eerie but airy feel in the winter. Parking is free, tourists are mostly gone, it's cold and snowy and icy. At right above, the normally bustling harbor is frozen solid. The Harbormaster office is at center.

The contrast with the bright lobsters is dramatic with the town under a white snow blanket.

Nice place - Plymouth - "America's Hometown."

Saturday, January 13, 2018

High Tide, Low Tide, Ice Tide, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It's been bitter cold here recently and as I walked to White Horse Beach, I wondered, why is that tide line so white?

Closer inspection revealed that it's not surf foam, but rather, the residue of frozen ocean from a recent high tide!

It was a foot or so thick in places making an otherworldly appearance.

"Ice Tide" - hmmm? - that could be that name of a band........

Cold or not, White Horse Beach is a beautiful spot on the planet.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Winter, Bartlett Pond, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

It may be cold and stark.....

...but it's still drop-dead gorgeous here in the winter.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Mirbeau, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

A fresh snowfall and a French chateau - what a nice scene.

The architecture makes it feel like I am in France - but it's actually in the Pinehills development just down the road from Manomet in Plymouth. I really like the classy, French-mansion kind of feel to it - but a lot more convenient than having to travel to Europe to be able to see and enjoy it.

It's the Mirbeau and it offers hotel, resort, spa, golf, and dining services.

Last time I visited the Bistro in the fall, they had a great vegan burger with chickpea fries - wicked good*food! Time to go again.......... Amy?

*wicked good is a Boston area expression that means really, really good.