A Favorite Post

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

More Signs of Spring, Bartlett Pond, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Lupines are starting to bloom beside Bartlett Pond.

A robin has chosen to build her nest atop our porch lamp. It's a good and bad choice it seems: well-protected from the elements but close to humans going in and out the adjacent door.

Mom is very skittish and flies away anytime someone approaches the front porch. Here's mom getting ready to sit on the nest.  Amy caught this view from inside the house hiding in the shadows so she couldn't be detected by mom robin. (Photo: courtesy Amy Davies).

Being tall, I can just hold my camera up above the nest and make a very quick image when mom is away. I hope I have the opportunity to see four hungry little mouths wide open the next time I point the camera within.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Memorial Day in the United States is a holiday in honor of the soldiers who died while serving in the U.S. military services.  These four men brought an American flag with them to the beach to show respect and honor for the more than one million servicemen and women who have died serving our country.

The Memorial Day weekend is often considered the beginning of the summer beach season, outdoor barbecues and picnics, and games in the yard. Like this spirited croquet match which kept being interrupted by a ball-stealing dog........

He was offered smaller, softer balls but he only wanted the over-sized, rock-hard croquet balls even though they were too big to fit in his mouth - go figure.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

"Noises Off," Priscilla Beach Theatre, Priscilla Beach, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Priscilla Beach Theatre (PBT) is in rehearsal for the production of "Noises Off." Called the funniest farce ever written, "Noises Off," presents a manic menagerie as a cast of itinerant actors rehearsing a flop called 'Nothing's On.' Doors slamming, on and offstage intrigue, and an errant herring all figure in the plot of this hilarious and classically comic play.

This PBT production, the second of seven adult performances this summer season in the newly restored Barn Stage, is directed by Ross MacDonald and produced by Bob and Sandy Malone, owners and guardians of Priscilla Beach Theatre.

"Noises Off" will open on Friday, June 3rd, for five performances. Contact PBT at 508-224-4888 or online for information, tickets and reservations.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Birds in Hand, Manomet, Inc., Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

How and why does one hold a beautiful Magnolia Warbler in one's hand? Quite simply, to attach a small identification band to its leg to gather data about migratory patterns of birds. (And only trained and licensed banders/scientists are permitted to do it).

At right above, Senior Landbird Scientist, Trevor Lloyd-Evans, has directed the migratory bird banding program here for more than 40 years. Here he is explaining the bird banding process and science behind the program to a group of visitors from the Plymouth Digital Photographers Club. Over the many years, in addition to being a leading world bird expert and scientist, he has served as a mentor to countless interns, volunteers, visitors, and school children (including my own son).

Manomet, Inc. is a non-profit research organization which was originally founded as the "Manomet Bird Observatory" in 1969 and was subsequently named the "Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences" until recently when it adopted the new name of "Manomet, Inc." As you can tell from the image above, the facility enjoys a prime spot near Stage Point to maximize the likelihood of capturing, gathering data, and releasing migratory birds after banding.

A bander/scientist examines the wing of a Gray Catbird in the banding laboratory.

After data collection, this catbird is about to be released.

Be free!

A beautiful little Magnolia Warbler.

In this image, you can see the tiny aluminum band around the leg of the warbler. The band contains a unique identification number for this particular bird. If/when this bird is found elsewhere, migratory information can be gained by comparing locations.

A cardinal with his band visible. Bands come in different sizes for different sized birds.

The cardinal, known among banders for their strong beak and painful bite, flutters and flaps trying to be free of the human grip.

A Magnolia Warbler about to be released.

For this release, the bander/scientist gently lays the warbler on his back in the palm of his hand.......

..... then fluttering and flapping, the bird turns over to right himself.......

....gets his bearings.......

....and is airborne in an instant.  (The actual sequence takes place in a split second).

Another Magnolia Warbler release sequence......

.......I was particularly lucky this time......

..... in freezing the moment of freedom.  Usually, the following image is what I get when trying to photograph the critical moment......

.......hands full of air - because the bird has already disappeared out of the picture frame.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Back Bay, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Back Bay is one of Boston's neighborhoods and is known for the rows of Victorian brownstones that line it's long and straight streets.

The dogwoods are in bloom on this visit.

The green mall on Commonwealth Avenue makes a great place to walk or rest on a park bench.

Phillis Wheatly is one of the subjects in the Boston Women's Memorial on the Commonwealth Avenue mall. She published a book of poems in 1773 marking the first book published by an African writer in America.

I think he is a professional dog walker - either that or he has too many dogs.

Newbury Street features many commercial businesses and restaurants on the street level,......

....many of which are sporting spring flowers.

I like any restaurant that uses my name.

This was an experiment with a vertical panorama in order to get the entire height of the church. A lot of distortion but I got the entire building in the frame.

I'm not sure whether the Hatch Shell is part of the Back Bay or Beacon Hill neighborhood but, I've included it here.

A high school big band exhibition was ongoing as I passed through. There is always something interesting to do or see in Boston!