A Favorite Post

Friday, October 30, 2015

Sandwich, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA

I was in the town of Sandwich so stopped by the boardwalk for a brief hike out to the beach. The marsh grasses are taking on that fall look as the greens turn to russet. This is the view heading back from the beach.

The road to the boardwalk passes this railroad crossing, an interesting photographic location.

A splash of color in an otherwise green tree beside the tracks.

A view down the tracks. It looked a lot better when I visited last fall as my blog post link from then demonstrates. Fall foliage is all about timing - mine was not so good this year.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Old Sandwich Road, Chiltonville, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Regular readers will recognize this scene from previous years. It is hands-down my favorite classic country living scene in this area. If I lived at the end of this driveway, I think I'd leave often just so I could have the pleasure of seeing this view every time I drive home.

Same scene, slightly different angle of view.


Old Sandwich Road is reported to be the oldest public road in the country. It certainly is one of the prettiest in this area. Although I don't like the cold weather that's coming, fall is a great consolation prize.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Out and About, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

A last gasp of green before these remaining leaves turn and fall to the ground.

The rocky low tide adds to the wintry feel.

A lone walker and his trusty little friend.

And the kayak, still buried under even more sand - only a tip of the red bow is visible at the far end. (A beach chair is mostly buried at right).

A gull, his reflection, and his shadow, and a bunch of other manipulation - vignette, infrared, added blue, added green, added contrast, added texture layer, then made everything black and white. Whew.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Never a Dull Moment, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

So on this daily walk, I was photographing my favorite tree trying out some infrared effects when, out of the corner of my eye........

....I spotted this critter in the distance crossing the road at a very leisurely pace.

He sits down in the lush grass as I approach. He sees me, he stares, he sits, he stares, then he lies down, and stares - what audacity. 

He's a wild red fox acting as tame as a household pet!

Yep, it's definitely a red fox. Eventually, I got too close for his comfort so he scampered off into the brush.  Who would have thought.

Continuing on, I headed down to the beach and heard a faint call for help - and then found perched on a rock on the jetty.......

........ a Red Power Ranger clamoring for my attention. Now what's he doing here at the beach today?  Of course I can't fault him for being out here - it is totally beautiful today. In his tiny voice, he asked me to follow him. 

He was pointing to something........

........he jumped onto another rock but continued pointing........

.....he jumped down off the rock and starting slogging through the sand...... he trudged up the beach - it took a while with those short, little legs, and he had to successfully fight off the flock of........

....one-legged gulls standing guard on the beach.

Soon, we arrived at this mostly buried kayak.  Only the red tip of the bow is visible at left and the yellow seat back in the middle.  That's what happens when you leave your kayak tied down but below the high tide line. Incoming high storm tides heaped lots of sand on top of it. It seems that the Red Ranger wanted me to shovel the kayak out of the sand - I said "no way."   I mean, really, he's the super hero, not me, he should do the work - I'm retired.

Monday, October 26, 2015

"Alice in Wonderland, Jr.," Priscilla Beach Theatre, Priscilla Beach, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Priscilla Beach Theatre (PBT) completed its 2015 performance season with the fall production of the youth workshop, "Alice in Wonderland, Jr."  

Congratulations to PBT and all the actors, actresses, staff, crew, and management for an enriching season and the return of the restored Barn Stage.  PBT is the oldest Barn Theatre still in operation in America and offers a grand venue for the performing arts in the greater Plymouth area.

The 2016 season is already in advanced planning with "A Chorus Line" coming to the Barn Stage in July and "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum" in August. The formal announcement and ticket sales are expected in December.  Be ready and order early - every performance of each major show this past season at the Barn Stage sold out quickly.

Contact PBT at 508-224-4888 or online for tickets and/or information.

The following images are from the final dress rehearsal in order of occurrence in the show. Produced by Bob and Sandy Malone, directed by Theresa Chiasson.

Next year PBT will begin their 80th season! Plan on coming out to join in the fun.